Unanchor.com is a travel startup company trying to cut down the amount of time it takes to research what to do and how to get around for your next trip, and they’re looking for Itinerary Writers.
I love researching destinations before I take a trip. I can spend hours surfing the net, following hyperlink after hyperlink, going deeper into the web of intrigue. I can also spend evenings curled up on the couch, skimming the small print in the tourist guides to see what jumps off the page to peak my interest.
That approach doesn’t work for everyone. You may be the most ardent Independent traveller, but have neither the time nor inclination to invest in pre-travel research and would prefer to take the easy route by purchasing a self-guided tour itinerary, which includes:
- Prioritized sights and attractions based on your interests
- Specific directions on getting from one sight to the next
- General insider advice and tips on your travel destination from local experts
So why write a Travel Itinerary for Unanchor?
The Benefits:
- Writers receive 75% of revenue from all itineraries sold.
- For a limited period they’re offering an advance of up to $100 when your itinerary is approved (as of May 22nd, 2011)
- You become a published travel writer.
- You can create an Unanchor travel writer profile.
How it works:
- Fill out their itinerary writer application form.
- Create an account on unanchor
- Once your application is approved, they’ll put the pending amount of your advance into your Unanchor account.
- Write and submit the itinerary.
- After the itinerary is approved, they’ll release the money to you. (Paypal is ideal)
Additional Reading:
- Checkout an itinerary example.
- Read itinerary writers frequently asked questions.
Wow, I had no idea that there were people preparing itineraries for self-guided tours. I thought half the fun of a self-guided tour was the pre-trip research and planning. For me I get almost as much pleasure from doing that than the actual trip itself. And whilst on the trip, discovering what was right in my research and what turned out to be wrong is an interesting experience as well.
Having someone else plan the itinerary seems not much different to me than going on a group tour (but without the other people). But I guess everyone has a different idea of what makes travel fun.