Do you need help to write your travel guide?

Girl from How to Write a Travel Guide

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How to Write and Self-Publish A Travel Guide: Plan It (Book One)If you’ve been blogging about travel topics for any length of time have you ever considered being a travel guide author? I believe that writing a travel guide to share your travel passions and expertise is the optimal way to reach a wider audience.

Just think how much web traffic finds their way onto Amazon, vs. how many site visitors a day your blog gets.

As soon as you publish an ebook on Amazon, not only do you have a chance of being discovered by a broader audience, Amazon will also give you a free Author page to help you promote yourself and your books. It’s a win win.

But writing a travel guide is a big undertaking and you may be holding yourself back because you’re confused about where to start, or overwhelmed by all the decisions and choices you need to make. I know, because that’s how I felt when I started writing my Bodrum Peninsula Travel Guide, but now I’m working on my third Travel Guide, Flashpacking through Cambodia I used that as an opportunity to fine-tune the steps I take when writing my guides. And I’ve just published the first in my series of four books that cover the guide book writing and self-publishing steps.

I demystify the steps involved in writing and self-publishing a travel guide and provide you with the information and tools you need to achieve your self-publishing success. Your time is precious, and this planning guide speeds up your creative process.

In this first book, I focus entirely on the Travel Guide Planning Process, in seven manageable steps:

  • Step One: Review Travel Guide Categories
Step Two: Consider Angles, Themes, and Passions
Step Three: Brainstorm Your Ideas
  • Step Four: Research Your Competition
  • Step Five: Reaching Your Target Audience
  • Step Six: Write Your Descriptive Statement and Content Scope
  • Step Seven: Create Your Working Title

Leverage your Blog Content

To take your travel blog to the next level, build your brand awareness and establish your subject-matter expertise, you need to expand your content offerings over and above simple blog articles.

You may be tempted to skip this planning book and dive straight into the writing phase, but the more time you spend on this initial planning phase, the greater the benefit will be in the long-run.

If you believe you have a fresh perspective or insights to bring to a destination you’re passionate about, and want to earn passive income from your knowledge and expertise, this book is for you. 

As a travel blogger, the most obvious path to achieving a broader reach is to leverage your travel writing skills and repurpose the content you’ve already created on your blog.

Free Downloads

I’ve created a set of free downloadable workbooks, worksheets, and toolkits to help you naviagate your way through all of the steps needed to plan your travel guide.

The How to Write and Self-Publish a Travel Guide Series

Here’s a summary of the other three books in the series:

How to Write and Self-Publish a Travel Guide: PEN IT (Book 2)

  • As well as covering the core travel writing principles and choosing your writing style and tone, we’ll also look at how to organize and structure your content, which is essential if you want to get your travel guide over the finish line. You’ll discover how all the major travel guide publishers organize their content, and I’ll help you evaluate the best approach for your travel guide.

How to Write and Self-Publish and Travel Guide: PUBLISH IT (Book 3)

  • There are many paths to publication, but I’m going to help you self-publish your travel guides in e-book and print-on-demand versions. I’ll provide you with best practices and time-saving tips for getting your book into the right distribution channels, and into the hands of your readers.

How to Write and Self-Publish a Travel Guide: PROMOTE IT (Book 4)

  • You will need to start marketing your book even before it’s available at book retailers, but this is the fourth book in the series because you will need to define your long-term content marketing strategy to keep your book in the forefront of your readers’ minds. It’s a constant cycle of marketing and promotion, and I’ll show you how to leverage your travel blog and social media channels to raise your book’s profile.

Each book in this travel writing series covers a distinct set of activities to get your thoughts organized, together they take you from the seed of an idea to passive income stream. It’s how I was able to quit my corporate job to become a full-time travel writer and digital nomad. If you’re a travel blogger looking to make more money – isn’t it time you wrote a travel guide?

How #travelbloggers can create passive income from their travel blog content Share on X


Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

4 thoughts on “Do you need help to write your travel guide?

  1. What an interesting resource guide, and I love that it’s aimed at travel bloggers. Usually books written for this niche are all about SEO or blogging tips, what a novel concept that you’re helping these bloggers become travel writers and authors of their first book. Well done you!!

  2. Waaoohh amazing resource, learning content marketing for the tour and travel niche. Love your summary of the seven steps towards the travel planning process. I’m sure this book is as useful and succinct as your description of it. Don’t suppose you’re looking for beta readers?

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