Value triangle of Google Alerts

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Branding for Project Management Posts for Roving Jay

Queen Elizabeth Google Logo for AlertsBloggers Toolkit

Google Alerts are an invaluable element of a Bloggers Toolkit.

Rather than spending hours searching for your niche content, the results of your searches can be delivered to your inbox on a regular basis.

There’s 3 main reason I use Google Alerts:

  • Google Alerts to expand my subject matter expertise
  • Google Alerts to find other subject matter experts
  • Google Alerts to track my on-line presence and reputation

Expand my Subject Matter Expertise

For my Bodrum Peninsula Travel Guide, I have a variety of alerts to notify me of website, news and blog updates related to locations that fall within my area of interest.

By setting up Alerts on these locations, I’m able to keep in the loop on news articles, blog posts and new content, to ensure that my blog content is relevant and topical.

It also gives me an opportunity to identify developing trends, so that I can craft content to fill that niche.

Locate Subject Matter Experts

Another major benefit for using Google Alerts, is tracking down other bloggers who have visited the area of Turkey my blog covers, so that I can leverage them.

I can leverage their expertise, and invite them to be a guest blogger on my site.

I can leverage their fan base, by visiting their site and commenting on their content.  By becomming a member of their community, my aim is to encourage their fan base to visit my site.

On-line Presence and Reputation

I also track myself “rovingjay” – to make sure I have visibility to any mention of my user name. The value of tracking yourself, is heightened if you have a brand you want to protect.

It’s important to know what is being said the the community – whether good or bad. Leverage the Good, and Respond to the Bad.

I also like to confirm that my blog posts get captured in my alerts.

Processing my Alerts

I follow a step by step process for  the Alerts I receive:

  1. I scan my alert emails and review the new content has appeared
  2. From a quick glance I can tell whether I want to follow the hyperlink to view the source content or just ignore it
  3. If I’m interested in the source content – I will capture the website in Evernote
  4. I delete the Alert email


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Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

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