It’s day ten, and I honestly can’t believe how quickly this day has come around. It’s the start of a new week, and I feel like I’ve eased myself into the rhythm of the quarantine groove pretty effortlessly.
Yesterday was Sunday. The Sabbath is for resting and I spent the day in the garden, well… I spent the day in quarantine in my 12th floor room, painting flowers. It was an ideal Sunday.
Music for a Relaxing Sunday
I had one of my YouTube finds playing in the background, which fit the mood perfectly. Xavier Rudd may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he’s ideal Sunday listening.
Poetry for an Anxious Monday
Day 10 is a big day. It’s the day for my 2nd quarantine Covid test.
I was pacing my room, one ear listening out for the shuffle of a medical swabber going from room to room to conduct Covid tests. I knew I’d never settle until I’d had my go.
I heard a knock on another door, and when I popped my head out to investigate, he was next door swabbing the Turkish neighbours from the same flight as me.
I was relived. This means the clock is ticking. We’re on countdown for Turkey Quarantine release. I have a flight booked tomorrow afternoon, so that should be plenty of time to get released in the morning and make my way to SAW airport. In honour of this fabulous day, I recorded a poem I scribbled out this morning.
Day 10 Poem
As you can see, things are getting desperate—I’m almost out of coffee.