I’m getting ready to participate in #the100dayproject – a free, global art project that takes place online.
The idea is to pick an action – it can be anything at all, drawing, writing, dancing, singing, quilting, making jewellry – do it every day for 100 days, and share your process online by posting on your social media accounts adding the hashtag #The100DayProject.
The idea is to do something that takes less than 10 minutes a day, so that you have more chance of seeing the project through to the end.
I’ve decided to use the challenge to hone a loose style for sketching buildings.
My natural sketching style for buildings is slow and precise, but when urban sketching people (and in recent loose portraits) I sketch quicker and with less accuracy. It’s all about capturing a feeling. A moment. Believability. (A world away from photorealism). I’d like to embrace that same sense of freedom to sketch buildings.
I think “Loose” is the only parameter I’m going to hold myself too. And leave myself plenty of leeway to use different materials, techniques, and styles to capture buildings. I’d like to sketch as often as I can from life, but I may have to revert to sketching from photos or online sources if needs must.
In anticipation of this event I thought I’d do a few warm up exercises for inspiration and get me in the right headspace for a 100 days of this!

Start date for The 100 Day Project is February 18th. So if you’re looking for some creative inspiration – why not take part? Here’s the challenge on Instagram.