Tag: Young Storytellers

Back in the Creative Saddle again
Not only did Touche enhance his plot and dialogue with the skills of a professional storyteller, he played to role of a very vocal grammar and spellchecker!
Slinking out the back door
Week Four of Young Storytellers On week two I was “won” in a notebook raffle, and this week I nearly…

Creating Log Lines & Beginning the Creative Process
Week Three of Young Storytellers When I arrived at school for week 3 – Touche was outside the principals office. …
Two by Two onto the Ark they went
Week Two of Storytellers This week we were assigned to a mentee by way of a Notebook Raffle. Our names…
Kicking off the creative process
The session ended with the creation of a contract, that we all signed. There was a selection of pens. I signed with orange ink – well it is my favourite colour. I should have had my lawyer read the contract first, apparently I’ve agreed to do the chicken dance if I’m late to the weekly session.

Young Storytellers Foundation
Young Storytellers is a 9 weeks as a script writing mentor — to a 5th grader! So for 1 hour, 1 lunchtime a week I’ll be helping a kid live his or her Hollywood dream.