Tag: Website

Sombody copied my content but didn’t link back to me
You’ve copyscaped your site and found that other websites are using your content. What can you do? Link-backs: Link-backs are…
Who has copied your site content?
I’m flattered when other web sites copy snippets of my content, as long as they provide a link back to my source page. But how do you check?
XHTML and CSS are the next generation HTML, they were developed to separate structure from content.

Image File Size Tips for your Website Photo’s
Optimise your Image files for your Website Here’s some tips to keep your website load time optimised. Let’s face it…
Writing Travel Itineraries for money
You may be the most ardent Independent traveller, but have neither the time nor inclination to invest in pre-travel research and would prefer to take the easy route by purchasing a self-guided tour itinerary from unanchor.com
Bodrum Bulletin
I’ve found an alternative to the Expat Forums – in the shape of The Bodrum Bulletin, which is a fortnightly newsletter. It really has a community feel, and looks like it’s written by an Expat, who lives in the area.