Tag: Expat Adventures
Lockdown with my Minimalist Wardrobe
Way back in September when I had to rush back to the UK to help with my Mum after her…

Our Turkish Return and Too Many Clothes
Returning to Turkey and a house full of clothes. I’m not sure whether to focus on unpacking or packing clothes away.
The summer migration to Gumusluk
After a barren winter with barely a sighting of another human life form in the neighbourhood for months, it has been exciting to see the influx of visitors arriving into their summer homes on our complex. They’re new arrivals for the season, in search of a respite from the heat of Turkish cities like Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara.
Interview with Author Ann Marie Mershon on “You must only to love them: Lessons Learned in Turkey”
Author Ann Marie Aershon Guest Blog Today we’re welcoming Guest Blogger Ann Marie Mershon, author of “You must only to love…

Waiting for the Tulips to Bloom: Adrift in Istanbul
Read about Lisa Morrow’s new book “Waiting for the Tulips to Bloom: Adrift in Istanbul” and find out how your purchase can help Syrian refugees.

Laurel and Hardy are Out of the Frame
Find out what happened when we invited Laurel and Hardy to fit our bathroom door jam and door. Nothing’s ever simple in Turkey!
The Calm after the Storm in Bodrum
Little did we anticipate that the rain on our windscreen signalled the arrival of the armageddon-like weather that descended upon the Bodrum Peninsula as we slept soundly in our beds.

Spicy Pineapple Salsa with Pul Biber
Here’s my tried and tested SIMPLE recipe for Spicy Pineapple Salsa with Pul Biber. It’s a creative way to incorporate this hot Turkish spice into a fresh and fruity salsa.

In the Member’s Hotseat at We Love Memoirs
I’m in the Members hot seat at We Love Memoirs. One of the friendliest groups on Facebook

Falling in Honey by Jennifer Barclay Book Review
Here’s my Review of Jennifer Barclay’s Falling in Honey, about her move from England to the Greek Island of Tilos.

Exploring São Paulo’s Municipal Market
As soon as anyone I interacted with knew I was visiting the market, they encouraged me to visit the Hocca Bar, a São Paulo tradition, which is original creator of the city’s famous codfish pastry (pastel de bacalhau) an iconic dish that’s part of São Paulo’s cultural heritage.

Search Tips for your next Airline Ticket
Here’s some Search Tips for your next Airline Ticket. These should help you to reduce the costs of your next flight.
Wrong Root from the Market
I picked up the wrong root at the Farmers Market. I went in search of Beets and got more than I bargained for…
Britweek in Los Angeles
I ended up in Santa Monica one weekend, and stumbled across Brit Week. An Annual event when all good things from the UK are displayed and touted.
True Blue Madonna for a day
I loved the Madonna look in True Blue’s Papa Don’t Preach. So when I left a relationship I cut my hair into a True Blue Cut of my own. It took nearly a decade for this decision to pay off.

Long Beach & Izmir Sister City Event
Read about the Community Event held in Long Beach to celebrate the Sister City Alliance between Long Beach & Izmir in Turkey. Eclectic mix of people & a macaw as well as delicious food & good music.

Mar Vista Farmers Market: January 19th
A trip to the Farmers Market in Mar Vista to see what fresh produce is in season – I found lots of citrus, and an odd looking cauliflower.
Forget the Turkey. Order a Goat!
I’m trying to reduce the amount of crap I purchase. Let’s face it, around this time of year between Black Friday and the January Sales needless commercialism and excessive spending run rampant. One of the impacts of this new zen approach is the difficulty I’ve encountered while searching to find the ideal Christmas gifts for some co-workers.
Expat Blog Carnival #5: Royalty
This is the fifth edition of my Expat Blog Carnival. This is a collection of all the best Expat blog content on the web. This edition has a theme of “royalty”

Santa Monica and Bodrum becoming sisters
Santa Monica Sister Cities Association has reached out to Bodrum to request a Sister City alignment. Find out more about this partnership, and how I have been blazing the trail of Citizenship Diplomacy for years.
Sunny Blue Rice Balls
Sunny Blue Rice Balls You usually have to travel to a foreign country to encounter a new dish that captures…

Consignment & Resale in Los Angeles
Resale and Consignment shops are popping up all over, and there’s a good selection in the West Side of Los Angeles, California. Check them out in Mar Vista.
WordCamp LA 2013
For those of you who haven’t heard of these events before, they’re like the WordPress equivalent of Alcoholics Anonymous. In short, it’s a WordPress meet up for WordPress addicts, to talk about WordPress, breath about WordPress and drool over WordPress … oh, and to share information and insights about this open source platform with other addicts.

My Expat Author Interview with Blog Expat
Excerpt from my Author Interview at Blog Expat: I survived the Moonies, and vowed to myself I’d return to the States one day. Back home, I met and fell in love with London, and enjoyed a long, fruitful and gloriously eventful relationship with that fabulous city.