Tag: Book Review
Tag used to identify all of my Book Reviews
Interview with Author Ann Marie Mershon on “You must only to love them: Lessons Learned in Turkey”
Author Ann Marie Aershon Guest Blog Today we’re welcoming Guest Blogger Ann Marie Mershon, author of “You must only to love…

Falling in Honey by Jennifer Barclay Book Review
Here’s my Review of Jennifer Barclay’s Falling in Honey, about her move from England to the Greek Island of Tilos.

I devoured Jack’s Raw Turkey and it was Bootiful!
How many times have you been with friends, and somebody new has joined the group? Favourite stories are recounted; one’s you’d forgotten about rise to the surface like the cream of the crop; and out of the blue, fresh tales are uncovered.
That’s what it felt like when I was devouring Jack Scott’s latest book “Turkey the Raw Guide”.

Review: Perking the Pansies – the Book
Whereas Jack’s Pansy blog is a frantic knee-trembler with Tabitha the Tart, Jack’s book is a post-coital embrace that lingers ’til dawn.

My Fortune Cookie: You will step foot on many foreign lands
Istanbul Travel Guide review and summary. The 4 books I bought before I visited Istanbul for the first time.

Turkish Coast: Bodrum to Marmaris Review
“Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be…Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar, and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before.”