It was still November, and I got my first Christmas card of the season already – from my brother in the UK! Along with it, came a note – letting me know that because they were planning on moving to Spain next year, this would be the last year they would be sending Christmas cards – and next year they’d be transitioning to e-cards. Their reasoning was eloquently put “in the interests of economy, rain forest and time …… please cross us off your list”
I smiled, and ruminated “they’re only going to Spain, it’s not a 3rd world country – they have cards, stamps and a postal service there too”
Fast forward a week — I trudged around the shops on a Thanksgiving weekend, looking for boxes of suitable Christmas cards; spent a week rounding up mailing addresses; wrote them out; queued up in the local post office for 30 minutes; and mailed them off.
Maybe my brother has got the right approach — 5 hours of my life and not much change from $150, later. I’d sent Holiday Cheer to all and sundry – wouldn’t e-cards have been a better solution?
So….”in the interests of economy, rain forest and time …… please cross us off your list” — look forward to reading, printing and displaying your e-cards!