Responsible Tourism
If you want to support responsible tourism in Siem Reap there are plenty of opportunities, not just in this city, but across the rest of Cambodia too. It’s always good to know that your tourism dollars are going to a good cause, especially in a country where the majority of the population is young and many are in need of help in this post-Khmer Rouge era.
Responsible Tourism Definition
Responsible tourism is any form of tourism that can be consumed in a more responsible way. Responsible tourism is tourism which:
- minimizes negative social, economic and environmental impacts
- generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the well-being of host communities
- improves working conditions and access to the industry
- involves local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances
- makes positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage embracing diversity
- provides more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more meaninful connections with local people, and a greater understanding of local cultural, social and environmental issues
- provides access for physically challenged people
- is culturally sensitive, encourages respect between tourists and hosts, and builds local pride and confidence Source
Joe to Go Restaurant and Cafe
On the way back from Phsar Chas (Old Market), we stumbled across Joe to Go and escaped inside to escape the mid-afternoon humidity. It’s manned by young students of The Global Child who work in the cafe to get paid work experience and use it as an opportunity to improve their English.
The chilled face flannels were a welcome treat, and admittedly we only had a cup of coffee here, but it was a good opportunity to interact with the three girls who were manning the cafe, all of whom had a serious bout of the giggles each time I asked them questions.
The walls of the 1st floor restaurant were decorated with art from students at The Global Child, which is the non-profit organization behind this venture, which runs two restaurants in Siem Reap.
A large percentage of the Cambodian population lives below the poverty line, and the local children are often needed to work in their family businesses or by sell souvenirs and postcards amid the ruins of Temples of Angkor Wat. These street-working kids don’t have the opportunity of going to school, and organizations like The Global Child provide payment to the students to attend class, so their family’s income isn’t impacted, and the children get access to education and the opportunity to learn another language.
We did encounter a handful of children selling souvenirs during our temple tours, but didn’t run across any children begging in the street in Siem Reap.
What we did see a lot of while traveling through the countryside surrounding the city was gaggles of school children in smart school uniforms cycling to and from school. Organizations like Bridge of Life School is a non-profit organization that provide free education and community based programs in the Cambodian countryside.
Don’t come to Siem Reap thinking that it’s a depressing place where poverty stares you in your face around every corner, making you feel guilty for spending your travel budget. But do spare a thought to the footprints you’re leaving in the community, and if there’s an opportunity of give back, albeit in a small way, it’s our responsibility as tourists to take these choices into consideration.
Support a Sustainable Tourism Cause
If you’re interested in supporting sustainable tourism in Siem Reap you should check the integrity of the organization before you get involved on a volunteer or donation basis. You can do this by checking the ConCERT website, which makes sure that all organizations meet specific criteria, especially regarding the safety of children. Here’s a list of organizations which currently make the grade.
- ABCs and Rice
- Anjali House
- Banteay Srey Butterfly Centre
- Center for Khmer Studies
- Grace House
- HALO Trust
- Helping Hands
- Honour Village
- Ibis Rice
- Naga Earth
- Osmose
- Sam Veasna Center
- See Beyond Borders
- Spitler School
- The Global Child
- The Lake Clinic
- This Life Cambodia
- Trailblazer Foundation

Flashpacking through Cambodia
Flashpacking through Cambodia: For Baby Boomers on a Budget is my latest Roving Jay travel guide full of travel tips, advice, and sample itineraries for flash packers who want the back packing experience without foregoing some of life’s creature comforts – like a comfortable bed, a hot shower, free wi-fi, and somewhere to plug your electric toothbrush in.
I spent almost three months backpacking around Cambodia in 2017/2018 to research this travel guide, and I share insights and first hand knowledge of tourist traps and off-the-beaten-path discoveries. We ate street food, drank 50c beers, and travelled by train, bus, minivan and tuktuk to identify the best ways to get from A to B.
If you’d like to receive a free Review Copy ahead of the general public release, please click here.
Here’s my Cambodia posts on this blog:
- Cambodia Visa and Arrival at Siem Reap Airport
- Cambodia: How to Avoid the Crowds at Angkor Wat
- Filling up your scooter in Cambodia
- The Best Tasting Street Food in Siem Reap
- Angkor Wat at Dawn: Is it worth it?
- Come face to face with Angkor Thom’s Bayon
- Good vs. Evil at Angkor Thom’s Impressive Southern Gate
- The Baphuon Temple and the Terrace of the Elephants at Angkor Thom
- Visiting Siem Reap’s War Museum
- Where to Stay in Siem Reap
- Visiting Siem Reap’s Markets
- Give your taste buds a disco at Siem Reap Night Market
- Responsible Tourism at Joe to Go in Siem Reap
- What to See and Do in Siem Reap
- Which Siem Reap Floating Village should you visit?
- Memorable Boat Trip from Siem Reap to Battambang
- Libations and Bric-a-Brac tempt our purse strings in Battambang
- Vegetable Amok at About the World Restaurant in Battambang
- Cooking Classes at Nary’s Kitchen Battambang
- Pomme Bar, Restaurant and Hostel, at the Core of the new Battambang
- An educational trip around Battambang’s Central Market
- Sightseeing and things to do in Battambang Cambodia
- Bayon VIP Bus from Battambang to Phnom Penh Cambodia
- Exploring Phnom Penh’s 172nd Street in the dark
- The challenge of wandering Phnom Penh’s streets
- A visit to Phnom Penh’s Central Market
- Exploring Phnom Penh’s Markets
- Phnom Penh Photo Diary
- Tops sights to see in Phnom Penh
- Touring S-21 Security Prison (Tuol Sleng Museum Phnom Penh)
- A reflective visit to The Killing Fields
- Taking a train from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville
- The majesty of Otres Beach sunsets
- Our Workaway Gig at Otres Beach Market Cambodia
- Working Away to make Cambodian Bagels
- Cambodia Pastry Wars: The Battle of the Quiche
- Our Cambodia workaway gig renovating a market stall
- Unwind on Cambodia’s Koh Ta Kiev Island
- Cambodian Beach Massage and Grilled Seafood
- Building Community during our Cambodian Workaway
- Gecko Village in Kampot Cambodia – a Photo Essay
- Christmas Eve in Kampot
- more coming
LOVE the responsible tourism list, Jay. We need more blogs like this! Really admire your work….