Memorable Event and a Memorial that does it justice
It seems odd to say that one of the highlights of our New York trip was a visit to the 9-11 Museum and Memorial down at ground zero, but it was.
The exhibition and 9-11 Museum are truly an experience worth walking around. The attacks on the World Trade Center were one of those historic moments that many of us can relive in our memories like a tape playing back. The images are still fresh in our hearts and minds, and I still remember the feeling of being emotionally battered by the images I watched on the TV, but I couldn’t turn them off. I kept watching the images of the event and the aftermath for days after 9/11 – until I was too emotionally drained to take in any more pain and suffering.
Unfortunately the people of New York couldn’t turn their TVs off. They lived and breathed the experience in for months and months after 9/11.
Memorable Exhibit: The Colour of the Sky on that September Morning
I took lots of images of the other exhibitions, but don’t feel right sharing them in a blog post as they need to be experienced first hand. But I had to share this memorable exhibit about the colour of the sky on that September morning.

No day shall erase you from the Memory of Time. Book IX of The Aeneid by the Roman Poet Virgil

This art installation is composed of 2,983 individual watercolour drawings, each a distinct attempt by the artists to remember the colour of the sky on the morning of September 11, 2001.
Finch’s work centres on the idea of memory. What one person perceives as blue might not be the same as what another person sees. Yet, our memories, just like our perception of colour, share a common reference.
Memorable Docent

Eddie, one of the docents, talked about the team that worked on Ladder 3, a Firetruck that was crushed when the Twin Towers collapsed. He told the story of the firemen that all lost their lives. The front of the truck in unrecognisable, but the back end fared a little better.

When the group of tourists moved away from the docent, I lingered to find out more about Eddie and why he was volunteering at the exhibit.
He shared that he and his wife had lived in the local area for years, and when after the attack they had to move out of their apartment for many months. They considered moving out of New York and relocating, but realised that this was their home and they wanted to stay. So they moved back into their downtown apartment, and now he spends his days sharing stories of the men and women who experienced that day first hand. I wonder if it is cathartic release to talk through the experience with strangers?
Take time during you #NewYork trip to visit the #911Memorial #911Museum. It's tasteful & inspirational. Share on XThe Historical Exhibition
The Historical Exhibition is in the central part of the museum located in the original footprint of the North Tower. No photography is allowed in this exhibition that tells the story of 9/11 using artefacts, images, video and audio recordings and 1st-person testimony. The exhibition is made up of three sequential parts: the Events of the Day, Before 9/11, and After 9/11.
Events of the day presents the day of September 11, 2001 as it unfolded. It provides insight into what was happening on the hijacked airplanes, at the Twin Towers, and at the Pentagon, as well as the courageous actions of first responders and civilians assisting one another, and the experiences of people near and far from the attack sites.
Before 9/11 steps back in time, providing the historical context leading up to 9/11. It examines the World Trade Center as a symbol and a target and addresses the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the evolution of the terrorist network al-Qaeda and the development of the 9/11 plot.
After 9/11 addresses the world after 9/11, presenting a collection of grief and global response. It explores the recovery efforts and rebuilding at the three attack sites through acts of compassion, volunteerism, and public service. It also looks at the questions arising out of 9/11 and the ongoing ramifications, including 9/11-related illnesses and the evolution of national security.
This is the guts, hearts and soul of the 9/11 exhibition, and shouldn’t be missed. It’s a sensory experience that triggers the memories of that day, and you’re transported to a time that you didn’t think you wanted to experience again.
No trip to New York is complete without a trip to this Museum. It’s tasteful, thoughtful, and inspiring.
A “Must Visit”

The 9/11 Museum is located between the South Tower and North Tower memorials, which are located in the Twin Tower footprints.
The 9/11 North Pool Memorial
It’s a smart move creating space meant for personal reflection out of water. The hole in the centre of these twin tower foot prints appear to disappear into eternity, and the cycle of the water echoes the cycle of life. Even though you’re in the middle of the city, surrounded by hoards of people, it’s easy to get lost in the movement and still your mind.

The names of those who lost their lives in this disaster are engraved all the way around these memorial pools, and they’re an unobtrusive but powerful reminder of the scope of the event on 9/11.
Even if you decide to bypass the museum, make your way downtown and visit these memorial pools. It doesn’t cost anything to pay your respects, and in a life as busy as the ones we inhabit, it’s a good opportunity to stand for a moment and reflect on the severity of the event, and say a little prayer of appreciation for the life you’re allowed to live.
I can see why this was such a memorable thing on your trip. That moment in time is indeed etched in my mind as well. I can not believe that fire truck, and being one of the brave service people that day. I’ll have to visit here next time i am in NYC.
Susanna Kelly recently posted..The Hipster and Geek Guide to off The Strip Las Vegas
Yes that fire truck definitely stopped me in my tracks, but the docent’s story was what made me connect to it. The whole place is full of personal stories.
Roving Jay recently posted..Poetry: The Dementia Wolf is on the Prowl
I was in NYC few days ago, but couldn’t go to the museum. Seems interesting though. Thanks for your post!
You’re welcome Liz
Roving Jay recently posted..The colours of Autumn in Montclair
I can understand this is an impressive place to visit in New York. The politics and lives lost surrounding this event and political actions that have taken place after should be remembered.
Impressive and very thought-provoking Ellis.
Roving Jay recently posted..View of New York from the Top of the Rock
Oh wow, that must have been intense. The different blue tiles is a lovely idea.
Yes I loved the idea that people could have such different perceptions of what the sky looked like on that day.
Roving Jay recently posted..The end of the Line for Coney Island
“What one person perceives as blue might not be the same as what another person sees. Yet, our memories, just like our perception of colour, share a common reference.” What a lovely, true and wise thought!
I will definitely put the museum on my list when visiting NYC!
It’s a memorable experience … although slightly emotionally draining..
Roving Jay recently posted..Subway Therapy Wall at Union Square NYC
This is beautiful. I’m sure I would cry visiting the memorial but I know that it’s worth a visit. I went when it was still under construction and already felt so moved. Thank you for sharing such a powerful post.
There’s a central exhibition where you’re not allowed to take photographs … and that was extremely moving. Even a little harrowing, but it is good to remember this event, and get personal eye witness views of the events leading up to it, and the days, months and years following it.
Roving Jay recently posted..RIP Empire Diner NYC
I can only imagine that this is an emotional place to visit. I vividly remember the events unfolding on my tv screen back in the UK but can not even begin to understand how families and friends feel and still feel each year on the anniversary.
I can imagine that this museum becomes a bit of a pilgrimage each year for those affected.
Roving Jay recently posted..Oh America … I’ve missed your bagels
This is such an emotional place to visit and actually really heart breaking! We were so moved when we visited this museum that it is hard to leave without feeling incredible remorse. The art installation is my favourite piece because it shows how incredibly different and similar our opinions can be.
I was so grateful that I got a chance to visit this memorial – they have created something very special, and well worth visiting.
I’ll be in NYC later this year and will definitely be adding this to my itinerary. The last time I was in NY they were building it. Thanks for sharing!
When you think of the devastation that was there when the towers went down, it’s amazing to see what the same area is like now. Some serious thought and design went into this memorial.
Roving Jay recently posted..My pastel self-portrait
Wow that looks like such an amazing thing to see with your own eyes. It was such a tragic day that Americans should remember as a day of unity and compassion. Thanks for sharing.
Well worth visiting Leslie .. it should be on every NYC itinerary. Even if it’s just to walk around the spaces where the towers once stood.
How can I forget that tragic event in New York City? It is painful, full of sadness specially the thousands of life that had been lost.
Ismael Brown recently posted..Hello world!
Yes a very tragic event, I still remember that day so vividly, and I was all the way over on the other side of the country in Los Angeles at the time. It seemed such a surreal day.
Our last visit to New York was while the memorial was still being built so we haven’t as yet been able to visit. It seems as if it is such an emotional place to visit and pay your respects.
Definitely worth a return trip, it was emotional, but so respectfully done that it leaves a lingering memory.
This looks like a beautiful exhibit and tribute to those who died on 9/11. I love the idea behind the ‘Color of the Sky Exhibit,’ what a powerful and understated tribute. Last time I was in NYC the exhibit was not finished, but we plan to visit next time we are there. Thank you for sharing your experiences here, it helps to keep the memories alive.
It just goes to show that simplicity can be impactful, that color of the sky was so memorable and evocative.
This a thing that my son is always talking about, he really wants to see it, so IF we ever get to traveling in USA its on our bucketlist.
It needs to be on your itinerary if you got to NYC … it’ll stick with you for a long time.