After the news on Day 6 that there was actually 11 days to quarantine, not 10, I stayed off social media for most of the day. I was feeling a little down, and didn’t feel very sociable.
But I woke up on Day 7 to a barrage of messages and comments wondering where I’d gone and if I was ok! “What happened to our updates yesterday?” was the common theme.
So I upped my game, wrote a poem, and shared it with the folks who’d been enjoying my quarantine updates. Many of them were either waiting to enter their own quarantine in Turkey, or were in lockdown in their own country, and saw my updates as a brief escape from their own monotony.
Day 7 Quarantine Poem
I usually have an aversion for Facebook, but the comments and feedback from my photos, blog posts and video has really help to keep my spirits up—so thanks for that.
This article captures the challenges of quarantine but also highlights the power of social media to stay connected.