I take the Lead when I Travel!
What happened to just worrying about what clothes to take, and remembering your passport?
I started my packing list today for my trip to England, and because I’m away for a couple of weeks I wanted to make sure I had all of the electronic devices I needed to maintain my connected-lifestyle:
- I will have some work to do (Pack the laptop),
- I want to read books on my Kindle app, play games to kill time, and use my WordPress app to keep up with my blog posts (Pack the iPad),
- I want to keep up with work emails (Pack the Blackberry)
- I need the option of making urgent calls (Pack the phone)
- Oh! and I definitely want to take lots of photographs (Pack the camera)
This is all well and good – but each of my electronic devices has a hunger for power, and they each take a different lead. Of course, when I take them abroad, I need to make sure they fit in …. so I mustn’t forget my adapters!
Looks like I’m only going to have room for one pair of shoes!