Near Year House Sit at Hermosa Beach

Hermosa Beach Pier California

Hermosa Beach California Sunset

Hermosa House Sit

The great thing about local house sit opportunities is that you’re available to fill in at the last minute. We house-sat in Hermosa Beach earlier this year; the weather was glorious and we enjoyed an extended stay. This time around, the weather is still glorious; and although we’re only here for a few days – this time we have extra responsibilities.

Cooper the Kitten House Sitting Hermosa New YearSanta delivered a couple of kittens to the kids for Christmas, and we’re looking after them while their “parents” are away for New Year. They’re like little lap dogs! Following us around everywhere, and when we sit down, they’re straight on our laps for a snuggle. There’s something very comforting about a purring kitten snuggled up against you. They’re so lovable and trusting, and were a real joy to look after.

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New Years Day

I made good use of the close proximity to the beach and went jogging along the sand a couple of the evenings. The first evening the sunset was so spectacular with not a cloud in the sky, that I vowed to take the camera with me on my next run.

Hermosa Beach California Sunset

Unfortunately the sunset was quite so good the 2nd evening, but as you’ll see in these photos, the 2nd place sunset was still pretty worthwhile, and as well as capturing some great shots, I got my new years resolution of “more exercise” off the ground.

Manhattan Beach Pier and Beach

Most of the day had been shrouded in marine layer, and it still hung heavy in the air as I looked North to Manhattan Beach Pier, but it thinned out as I ran closer to Hermosa Beach Pier.

Manhattan Beach Pier from Hermosa Beach California There were still plenty of people of the beach at this time of the evening, and the low tide provided an expanse of flat sand to run along.Manhattan Beach Pier from Hermosa Beach California

Hermosa Beach Pier

I had to pick up the pace to make sure I made it to Hermosa Beach before the sun set.

Hermosa Beach Pier California

There were quite a few people on the pier to watch the sunset, but I think the best view in the house, was from the sand.

Hermosa Beach Pier CaliforniaIt was low tide, so I was able to position myself underneath the pier to capture the last vestiges of sun as it slipped below the horizon.Hermosa Beach Pier California There was just one lone surfer, lying on his board hoping for a set of waves worth riding.Hermosa Beach Pier California

Setting Sun on Hermosa Beach

Here’s the remainder of my favorite Sunset photos from my New Year’s day run:

Hermosa Beach Pier California

Captured this lone dog-walking gazing into the sunset as the waves lapped around their feet.

Hermosa Beach California SunsetThe reflection of the setting sun on the sand, created a rich orange and copper playing field where the birds hunted  for dinner.

Hermosa Beach California Sunset

By day, the lifeguard huts provide an elevated vantage point for scanning the landscape; By night, they’re picturesque silhouettes for sunset photography.

Hermosa Beach California Sunset

Once again I’m reminded how lucky we are to be living in Southern California.



Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

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