Nature and Nurture in Norfolk

Swan in Flight from a river on a sunny day

Feature Image: Swans taking off


I hadn’t realized how frequently the British weather featured in conversations, until I was welcomed on my recent trip with the mildest winter for years.

Norfolk Landscape UK

Back in LA, the weather’s consistent so there’s no need to speculate.  But inclement British weather can scupper the best laid plans, and it only took we a couple of days of being back in my homeland, before I started to tow the line, and begin to sprinkle my speech with the latest forecast predictions.

Norfolk UK field trees and blue sky with clouds

This time last year, British was in the throes of the worst winter ever, so it was a welcome reprieve to be experiencing the mildest winter for years.

Walk in the Woods Norfolk
Walking in the woods. Still green in winter

Bright blue skies, with a freshness that makes your cheeks tingle.  Perfect weather for long country walks across the Norfolk countryside, with a couple of west highland terriers and my mum.

Male and Femal West Highland Terrior
Mac and Beth West Highland Terriors


Each morning, I don my new wellies and head out into the countryside for a bracing walk across the fields. Even though my mum’s more than a couple of decades older than me, there’s no chance of a me lollygagging.

We take-off like greyhounds on the scent of a rabbit, and stride purposely for 1-2 hours, depending on our plans for the day.

Autumn Leaves and Westie

I love these walks where Nature and Nurture collide.  I get to spend time with my mum, as well as enjoy the Norfolk countryside.

That very same countryside that drove me to the City in search of my fortune, draws me back in.

I wait at the side of the railway track, like an extra from the Railway Children, in rapt anticipation of seeing the local narrow-gauge train steam down the line.  I experience childlike glee with every swan, sheep, shire horse and hedgehog encounter.

Narrow Gauge Railway in the Mist
Narrow Gauge Railway in the Mist

We watch the tractors pull the sugar beet harvesters across the landscape, and detour around the fields where winter barley is just beginning to shoot.  Across stiles and dry river beds, we keep the dogs on track, and plan our days’ adventures.

Sheep under a big tree
A sheltering sheep

The crunch of leaves beneath our feet, and the constant rustle of pheasants in the hedgerow created a memorable soundtrack for an ambient autumn.

I was at home for two weeks, and of all the great memories created during this trip, these daily Nature and Nurture walks will linger far longer than anything else.


Even in wintertime the #norfolk countryside is worth exploring. Nature and nurture collide. #countrywalks Share on X




Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

5 thoughts on “Nature and Nurture in Norfolk

  1. I have not been to Norfolk yet but it has been on my list for the longest time. Perhaps 2020 will be year for me to visit this part of the UK. Yes, as British, we sprinkle our conversations with the weather forecast…how can you not! 🙂 Lovely post.

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