Jeremy from LivingTheDream created Photo Roulette, as a way for travel bloggers to showcase their best photography. For each round a new theme is chosen, and independent travel bloggers are asked to submit their photos. Then a winner is chosen to host (and judge!) the following round.
For more info about Photo Roulette Round #40, visit the host: Travel Bunny
This is my Entry for Round #40:
Amsterdam Bike Park
I took this photo in Amsterdam, of course! It’s of the Bike Park near the train station, and there were bikes as far as the eye could see, on multiple different levels.
I’m sure this city of cyclists, the owners have a tried and tested way of retrieving their bikes at the end of the day, but I’d like to see it in action!
What a mind boggling array of bikes. If I lived in Amsterdam I think I would pick a crazy color bike to help with retrieval.
Mairead recently posted..Blackcurrants – A Taste Of Ireland I Miss In America
I have no idea how they get them out… it must be chaos!
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