The theme for Round #32 of Photo Roulette is LOVE.
GlobeTrotterGirls are hosting this week’s Travel Photo Roulette! The Travel Photo Roulette was started in November 2010 by Jeremy from LivingTheDream as a way for travel bloggers to showcase their best photography. For each round a new theme is chosen, and independent travel bloggers are asked to submit their photos. Then a winner is chosen to host (and judge!) the following round.
More info about Photo Roulette at round #32’s Host: Globe Trotter Girls

Love Birds
Swans were the first thing that popped into my mind for this week’s Photo Roulette submission, because of their close association with Love.
This association has been leveraged on many an official US stamp. Usually with mirror images of swans gazing into each other’s eyes, to form the image outline of a heart.
Why are Swans associated with Love?
Well besides the obvious easy visual association of the heart shape, Swans are renowned to mate for life — and mating for life is quite an achievement, and a true testament of Love.
Royal Ownership
It’s a common misconception that the Queen owns all the swans in the UK. But actually she only has the prerogative right of ownership for all the Mute Swans in England and Wales. Mute Swans are the quietest of all swan breeds and the least well-traveled. They don’t migrate, making them the only breed of Swan to be a UK permanent resident.
My Entry for Photo Roulette Round #32
My entry for the Love round was taken a few weeks ago, while I was in Norfolk, England. I spent 2 weeks in the countryside, taking daily walks with my mum and her dogs, with my trusty camera. It was a great opportunity to photograph a local family of Mute Swans; Mum, Dad, and 3 Signets.
CAPTION: This Mute Swan had been diving below the water to feed, and then swimming around with it’s feathers all fluffed up to dry in the sun. As a member of the Lonely Hearts Club, he’s cruising a local river in Norfolk England, looking for a mate.
Visit the Travel Photo Roulette Round #32 “Love” at the Globe Trotter Girls host site and see the other entries