La Rochelle became our Workaway Heaven

Us leaving our workaway gig in La Rochelle
Us leaving our workaway gig in La Rochelle

When we started our French Workaway adventure we had no plans to visit La Rochelle. But as soon as we began working our way around France I stared to receive a steady stream of requests from hosts in France and nearby Spain and Italy, at first I was surprised and then I realized that I’d updated my location on Workaway, so they knew I was in the neigbourhood. We received and turned down lots of different requests, mainly because the locations were too remote.

Doing Workaway means you have quite a lot of time off to explore, and if there’s nothing nearby it can be a bit of a forlorn experience. Even though we had a full schedule of gigs lined up, one chateau turned out to be less than desirable, so we cut our gig short, as we had two weeks to fill until our next chateau.

We loved our workaway gig in La Rochelle
Graffiti on a La Rochelle Wall

Well, we fell in love with La Rochelle, and our host turned out to be a spectacular human being who we know we’ll see again. Another plus—our accommodation was nothing short of lush.

Our Workaway Assignments: Our Room

Here’s our room, which turned out to be the best suite in the house, this was the host’s bedroom that she moved out of, so that we could stay.

Our Workaway accommodation in La Rochelle

Our Workaway accommodation in La Rochelle

Our Workaway accommodation in La Rochelle

This Workaway gig was the full package.

So we ended up not going onto our next chateau, and decided to stay in La Rochelle (until we were forced to leave because of the Covid-19 outbreak).

We stayed in an 18th Century house that was part family home, and part bed and breakfast. Our host rents out stylish and beautifully decorated rooms, and when they go on holiday they also rent the house out.

This was the living room – which gives you a great insight into how stylish it was.

The Living Room in La Rochelle

Our Workaway Assignments: Gardening

Our first assignment was in the garden, and we spent a week weeding and dead-heading the plants.

Workaway gardening in La Rochelle
Workaway gardening in La Rochelle – you can see where we weeded

There’s something so therapeutic about gardening, even when the weather is grey and miserable. I loved getting dressed in my work gear and gloves, and working my way around the flower beds. You get a huge sense of satisfaction because it’s easy to see where you’ve weeded and what still needs to be done.

Laying Flag stones in the garden workaway gig
Me digging the holes for the slate stones

As the weather got better, we laid some slate flag stones to create a path down the middle of the lawn. That was a little more strenuous that weeding, but just as rewarding.

Red getting the flag stones level
Red getting the flag stones level

Our Workaway Assignments: Painting

The rest of the time Red filled his time with painting chores. A house this size and age always has a list of jobs to work on, and he kept himself busy by doing the metal railings, back doors and the statement front door.

Front door before - being sanded down
Front door before – being sanded down
Front door mid-way - being painted
Front door mid-way – being painted

<see the feature image for the finished door>

When the weather was less than stellar, we escaped inside the house and worked in the garage on a number of small painting projects.

Red revamping furniture in black
Red revamping furniture in black

Red revamped some of the second hand furniture that was scattered around the place, to give it a new lease of life for the new season.

Red revamping furniture and small object in black
Red revamping a couch and a small tray

And I lent a hand by doing a bit of painting and a lot of sanding.

Me sanding the banquettes from the kitchen
Me sanding the banquettes from the kitchen

Our Workaway Assignments: Sewing

I also made friends with the new sewing machine. I lengthened some of the window shades—a fiddly job, by adding a narrow strip of coordinating fabric to the bottom of each one.

Adding extensions to the blinds
Adding extensions to the blinds

There were three or four sets of tall double windows in each room, and I did three rooms.

I adjusted a stack of top covers that were going to be used for summer covers, and needed to be widened.

Sewing Top covers
My pile of top covers I sewed

Then did a lot of hand sewing to convert flat sheets to fitted top sheets in two of the corners, so that they held their position.

Hand sewing during our workaway gig
Me hand sewing during our workaway gig

This task was slow going, but I made good progress before we had to leave. And the working environment was better than the garage. The nicest sewing room I’ll probably ever inhabit.

My Workaway sewing room
My Workaway sewing room

Our Workaway Assignments: Time Off

This was such a fabulous gig because of the proximity to the heart of La Rochelle. After doing our five hour shift each day, we’d get showered and changed and explore the city.

La Rochelle at night
La Rochelle at night

It never got old. It’s known as the white city because of the stone used in the buildings, and when the sun starts to go down there’s a wonderful ambient glow to the town. Even on a cold grey and cloudy day, the buildings add a luminescence to La Rochelle.

La Rochelle harbour on a grey day
La Rochelle harbour on a grey day

In typical French fashion, lots of restaurants, bars and cafes are closed between lunch and dinner, so we spent our afternoons exploring every little nook and cranny of this town, in search of places that were open.

Bar hopping in the cold in La Rochelle
Cafe hopping in the cold in La Rochelle

We encountered a few favorites that we kept going back to again and again, but we also kept exploring different areas of the town to see what new areas we could discover what was actually open. There was such a diverse collection of establishments open from hole in the wall bars to elegant cafes. We just had to search for them – but well worth the effort.

Cafe in La Rochelle
A little cafe by the daily market.
Grand cafe open in La Rochelle
A elaborate traditional french bistro in La Rochelle

We’d have a few hours of exploration, and then head back home in time for dinner. We took the helm in the kitchen a few times, and what a kitchen it was.

Me in the kitchen in our workaway gig
Me in the kitchen in our workaway gig

We loved La Rochelle, and our workaway host was a memorable stay. Neither of us can wait to come back here again, and are so grateful to Vanessa and her three girls for opening up their home to us. One of the bonuses of doing workaway is that you have the opportunity of becoming part of somebody else’s family for a short while, and create bonds that will last a lifetime.

During our stay in La Rochelle, we also visited the host’s island house on Ile D’Aix.

Find out about our #workaway gig in La Rochelle. Painting, Sewing and Gardening in the white city. A fabulous coastal town in #France. #welovefrance #workawayadventure Share on X

Read about our 2020 Workaway and Travel Adventures:

  1. French Train Strikes won’t stop us in our tracks
  2. Toodling around Toulouse
  3. Exploring the Castle at La Couvertoirade
  4. Meandering around Montpellier
  5. Our Workaway at an 18th Century Flour Mill
  6. Chilling in Clermont Ferrand
  7. Our Workaway at an 18th Century Chateau
  8. Lingering in Lyon’s 1st Arrondissement
  9. Our Self-Guided Walking Tour of Lyon
  10. Making the most of Montparnasse Paris
  11. Our Workaway at a La Rochelle BnB
  12. Our Workaway at Ile D’Aix
  13. Video: Our Workaway adventure through France
  14. Our Memorable Food and Wine Adventures in France
  15. …. the rest of our trip TBD because of the virus – but planning Bordeaux, Lille, Bruges, Antwerp, and Amsterdam

Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

14 thoughts on “La Rochelle became our Workaway Heaven

  1. Wow. This is the first post I’ve read about WorkAway and now I understand what this program is about. I’m definitely going to look into it for the future. We prefer long stays, but I need tasks and structure to my day. This sounds great. Thanks! Pinning.

    1. Workaway is a great way to have extended days, but reduce the cost of accommodation. 4 or 5 hours a day isn’t too much commitment, and there’s plenty of time each week to explore.

  2. I think I have read ALL of your stories about your workaway, and they never get old, I love it! You and Mr make such a difference in peoples lives 🙂

    But how does it work? Do you work like eight hors a day for your stay?

    1. No you only work 4 or 5 hours a day, and it’s usually flexible when you do them. And you get two days off a week. Plus meals. So if you’re an early riser, you can be done by lunchtime and have the rest of the day for yourself.

  3. Wow! This looks like an amazing place. A 5-hour shift isn’t bad either. It looks like you accomplished so much for your hosts. I’m sure they were so grateful to have you there. And what fun it would be to have every day to wander into town and explore! It sounds so perfect.

  4. My French hubby and I are making our way around France on 2-4 week trips every year. La Rochelle has been on our list for a while and I am so glad to hear that it is so enjoyable. Your Workaway home looks divine and I too wouldn’t mind gardening – so relaxing, even if it is a lot of work!

    1. You’ll love La Rochelle .. is a fabulous little city. Lots of great restaurants, and of course a collection of little islands just off the coast .. so if you go, have a quick day trip to Ile D’Aix.

  5. I have read many stories about your Workaway holidays, I am very impressed every time! It is a lot of hard work painting, sanding and weeding, but I can understand the satisfaction you get at the end when everything looks good! This is apart from the fact that you get to stay in a place longer and do some tours of the lovely city too! Thanks for this enjoyable read!:-)
    Jan recently posted..Mérida – The Mini-Rome in SpainMy Profile

  6. I never knew about la Rochelle but loved reading your post on it with great pictures. You had done quite a lot of work here. The painted doors look very beautifully done, especially the red one. Also your stay during your workaway looks very cozy and comfortable too. The location looks perfect for this kind of workaway.

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