Sunny Days during our House Sit in Palm Springs
Our Palm Springs House was besieged by sunshine and rain. It’s not too cold this time of year – probably about 60-70 degrees. So it was too cold for a dip in the pool, but plenty warm enough to to wandering around with out a coat.
We’ve visited Palm Springs many times over the year. The desert landscape is pretty stunning. The Palm Springs valley is surrounded by a ragged mountain range, and this time of year the top peaks are swathed in snow.
House Sitting in Palm Springs
It doesn’t take much encouragement to get me to take the two hour ride out to Palm Springs from LA. We’ve stayed in hotels and motels, but nothing beats a house sitting expedition in the classic desert town that was a favourite of the brat pack and the Hollywood elite from it’s heyday.
The house we were sitting was a traditional single story ranch style house with desert landscaping. The back garden has lots of outside space, and one of the major undertakings before we leave it making sure that all the patio furniture is covered safe and sound.
Day out with the Horses
As a New Year’s treat I decided to make a horse riding reservation. And as luck would have it, it poured down with rain, but I decided not to be deterred. I met a couple of other British girls at the stables. There’s a song “only mad dogs and English men go out in the mid-day sun” … well I think the second verse should be about British girls going out horse riding in the rain. We weren’t prepared, so as well as being given riding hats, we got given dustbin bags to go over our clothes.
Our horse riding guide was dressed appropriately.
It wasn’t the most enjoyable ride. The constant drizzle was a bit of a dampener, but it was definitely memorable.
My horse was pretty mellow, and the ride was perfect for a beginner rider. But when we ambled down by the river it got a bit rocky and slippery underfoot, and I kept my fingers crossed that I didn’t take a tumble.