Road Trip Day 2
It was a tough morning. I had to tear myself away from the plump pillows that engulfed me in our rib-high King-size bed; wander past the orange tinged flames dancing in fire place; cocoon myself in my diva Spa robe, and head into the rain shower to ready myself for my day. As road trips go – this was a good one.
It was tempting to spend another night in the lap of luxury, but instead we packed up our belongings, to begin our 100 miles journey up Route 1, past Hearst Castle, through Big Sur to Carmel.
Before we headed North, we decided to double back on ourselves for a quick trip to Harmony – Elevation 175, Population 18. We’d passed this little town on the way into Cambria, and decided with a name like “Harmony” it was worth a quick visit.
The main draw, was it’s boast of a glass blowing studio. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect – but I was impressed by their massive collection of handblow glassware for sale in their combo shop and studio.
Glass Blowing classes
For $125 you can receive instruction to create your own pieces of art. Each lesson is about an hour, and you get to choose the object you want to make (cups, bowls, glasses or paper weight). First the instructor shows you how to blow clear glass, and you get to assist and practice, and then it’s your turn to make your own creation with coloured glass. They’ll help you to create 2-3 objects to take home with you.
When we arrived, the kiln was still heating up, so it was too early for a lesson, but we lingered around the shelves, perusing the marvelous selection of creations on offer. From small glass objects to impressive statues, there were objects for the thickest and thinnest of wallets.
I came across a festive glass snowman, which is probably only snowman this town has ever seen. I wonder what other festive photo opportunities I’ll come across on my road trip?
After the Glass shop – we wandered outside for a few hurried photo’s of cows grazing on the nearby hillside – and then left Harmony to discover the coastal delights of San Simeon and beyond.
Read about our encounter with the Seals.
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