When was the last time you read a web page word for word?
Your audience probably doesn’t reach web pages this way either. Instead, they’ll scan the page, picking out individual words and sentences that interest them.
If you don’t capture your audiences attention, they’ll navigate away from the page, or worse still, move to another site – and all you’ll be left with is a high bounce rate.
If you have a message or information to convey, part of your challenge as an author, is making sure it’s easy for your audience to assess whether the content is relevant for them.
Highlighting keywords:
- Hypertext links are one way of bringing attention to specific text
- Changing the font style (bold, italic); colour; size; or tyepface
Content Layout:
- Clear and concise sub-headings
- One idea per paragraph
- Bulleted or Numbered Lists
Content Development
- Use the inverted pyramid style
- Concise content, Less is more
- Content Style (Objective, Persuasive, Active, Passive)
Simplification and Clarity
So how do you capture your audiences attention?
By incorporating one or more of the these techniques into your content creation.
Hi Jay – Thanks for this info . Are you heading to Gümüşlük in September?
BacktoBodrum recently posted..The Long and Winding Road
Absolutely. Can’t wait for this holiday. Also, I’m pulling together content for my Bodrum website, and also for the Travel ebook I’m working on. Looking forward to a couple of boat trips, and I must visit the castle this time around.
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