Day 41-45 of The 100 Day Project

Liver Building in ink and watercolour sketch

I’m seriously running out of steam for this urban sketching building challenge. I usually prefer to urban sketch people, although I do jump around different subjects from time to time as the whim takes me. But no matter what I’m sketching, there is one thing in common: the subject has to inspire me. And I find it really difficult to sketch a subject that doesn’t have a specific element that intrigues me.

41/100 – 15 Minute sketch of Liver Building, Liverpool

This is a complex structure, but I simplified it my only sketching a section of it, with the Liver Birds at the focal point.

Liver Building watercolour and ink sketch

This subject intrigued me enough to sketch it again with a bit more intention and time. I used a rougher watercolour paper for more texture, and I like the looseness of the lines.

Liver Building in ink and watercolour sketch

Like the effect of leaving the background white and focusing the colour on the building.

42/100 – 15 Minute sketch of Sullivan’s Chip Shop in Hornsea

A simple building to sketch with some interesting drain pipes, but I love the addition of the car and people to help depict the scene.

Sullivans chip shop Hornsea

43/100 – 15 Minute sketch of Church on the way to Hornsea

Just crap! Oh well, you can’t win them all. I liked all the angles, and tried using the path to lead your eye to the church, but it didn’t quite work. It looks like I’ve added toast ready to be buttered, rather than gravestones. Don’t like the colours either. Was using Tombow pens, but these colours don’t do the scene justice.

Church near Hornsea

44/100 – 15 Minute sketch of Hale Railway Station

Loved the idea of using colour as a focal point, and it works well to draw the eye. Cute depiction of a building, but it could have been looser.

Train Station in Hale Chesire

45/100 – 15 Minute sketch of Hornsea National Coach Watch Station

What attracted me to this subject was all the elements on the building and off the roof. Might have worked better if those elements were shaded and coloured and the building was left black and white.

National Hornsea coast watch station ink and watercolour sketch

Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

1 thought on “Day 41-45 of The 100 Day Project

  1. These are all great sketches, thank you for sharing them! I, too, like the white background of the Royal Liver Building. I am drawn to building sketches, so I like them all!

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