My fourth set of challenge sketches for The 100 Day Project. I must admit, sketching buildings is becoming a bit tiresome, and I’m only 20 days in. I’m missing sketching people, so I had to have an urban sketch diversion this week to capture some people-centric scenes.
16/100 – 15 Minute sketch of Tavira Church
What I like:
- The low vantage point – looking up at the tree and the warped perspective of the building.
- The palm tree foliage.
What I didn’t like:
- Needed more bright white areas.
What I learned:
- Sketch works without more white areas, but would have been better with them.
17/100 – 15 Minute sketch of local Spar shop
What I like:
- Tonal study with a spot colour of red and a little bit of green.
What I didn’t like:
- The street sign post – it looks like an afterthought.
What I learned:
- Should have left the street sign post off the scene because it’s distracting and doesn’t add anything to the overall story.
18/100 – 15 Minute sketch of Blue Door
What I like:
- Simplicity of the sketch and elements.
What I didn’t like:
- Shadows at the top of the doors are too dark.
What I learned:
- Less is more. Having one focal point (door), and nothing distracting from it, creates a simple but effective scene.
19/100 – 15 Minute sketch of Tavira scene
What I like:
- Angle of the lamp post.
What I didn’t like:
- Position of the lamp post. It’s too central.
- Lamp post and building are competing for attention.
What I learned:
- Should have been clear about the focal point – either the lamp post or the building. Didn’t decide which was the focal point before I started. Needed to use different detail and colours to differentiate them, so it was clear which the main element of this scene is.
20/100 – 15 Minute sketch of Conceição street
What I like:
- I like the shade of yellow I used, and how I rendered the roof tiles.
What I didn’t like:
- Foliage is overworked.
- No clear focal point.
What I learned:
- This pale rendering of the building in the background and opposite doesn’t work. It either should have been darker, or left out completely.
This isn’t the first time I’ve sketched this local street, see other renditions on this post.