Nearly a year ago I asked how I’d become Margo and my brother had become Tom Good from the Good Life .. back then he was clearing and rotovating a rough strip of barren land in Albondón, Spain, and setting up an irrigation system.
He had a vision to create a plot full of fresh, home-grown produce to sustain his lifestyle. Now a year later … the hard work is paying off:
And the work doesn’t stop there… here is is shelling the broad beans.
You may be asking … “what’s he going to do with everything he grows … there’s loads of it” … don’t worry – he’s a Chef by trade, and a brilliant one at that.
Can there be anything more rewarding than growing, cooking and eating your own produce?
Well done bruv… my hat’s off to you. Leading by example as always. You wait, I have a little bit of a green thumb up my sleeve too… just wait!
Just the inspiration I need to make the most of my new irrigation system
His green thumbs have been very hard at work!
Gorgeous photos!
Thanks Sarah … glad I stumbled across your blog. Jay
Hi, thanks for sharing this article on the BytefulTravel Blog Carnival. Stop by and take and say hi, I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks Jim 🙂
Roving Jay recently posted..Down Memory Lane with Glam Rockers Slade
Haha..this is so inspiring! to grow your own and enjoy it – fabulous!