The end of the Line for Coney Island

Funfair Coney Island Brooklyn NYC

There’s so many iconic locations spread across the 5 boroughs of New York. Many I’ve visited, some that I have no interest in visiting and a few that I’m intrigued about. Coney Island was on the last list, so I was pleased when friends flew into town for the weekend and encouraged us to go to the end of the line to Coney Island.Subway Station Coney Island Brooklyn NYCEven though it was a chilly out-of-season November day, the weather gods were kind to us, and gifted us with clear blue skies and a warm day.

We took the subway from Manhattan and walked along the boardwalk, which has been the location of many a movie and TV show, but foremost in my mind was the “Where’s Johnny?” Sopranos episode.

The Coney Island boardwalk was more or less deserted and the funfair was shut up for the season, but these out-of-season images don’t paint it as a forlorn destination, but something that is bristling with potential.

Here’s my Coney Island Photo Essay to whet your appetite for your own visit.

Would you visit an iconic travel destination out of season? Share on X

Coney Island Boardwalk

Boardwalk Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Boardwalk Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Boardwalk Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Boardwalk Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Boardwalk Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Boardwalk Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Skateboarder Trips at Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Seated Skateboarder Trips at Coney Island Brooklyn NYC

Coney Island Luna Park

Funfair Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Amusement Park Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Funfair Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Amusement Park Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Ferris Wheel at Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Ferris Wheel
Funfair Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Luna Park Coney Island
Ferris Wheel at Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Ferris Wheel at Luna Park
Cyclone Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Luna Park’s Cyclone Coney Island Brooklyn NYC

Brooklyn’s Eiffel Tower

Parachute Jump Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Parachute Jump at Luna Park
Parachute Jump Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Parachute Jump at Luna Park
Parachute Jump Coney Island Brooklyn NYC
Parachute Jump at Luna Park

The Parachute Jump is a defunct amusement ride in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York, whose iconic open-frame steel structure remains a Brooklyn landmark. 250 feet (76 m) tall and weighing 170 tons (150 tonnes), it has been called the “Eiffel Tower of Brooklyn”  Wikipedia

I’m not sure that I’d like to visit Coney Island is the midst of summer when New Yorkers and visitors head to this corner of Brooklyn for some light entertainment and Atlantic Coast fun, but our restorative November stroll along the boardwalk was memorable for it’s iconic images and unhurried pace.

Here’s some websites to help you plan your own trip to Coney Island

Tourist Information Coney Island USA Non Profit
Click here to visit this website
Luna Amusement Park Coney Island NYC
Click here to visit this website
The Coney Island Fun Guide
Click here to visit this website

Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

1 thought on “The end of the Line for Coney Island

  1. Iconic! What a great day to visit. Sunshine and Blue skies. I thought it would be winter at this time of year. Or did you go in the summer?

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