Category: Los Angeles
Wrong Root from the Market
I picked up the wrong root at the Farmers Market. I went in search of Beets and got more than I bargained for…
Britweek in Los Angeles
I ended up in Santa Monica one weekend, and stumbled across Brit Week. An Annual event when all good things from the UK are displayed and touted.

Pet Sitting in Redondo & Dog Friendly Trails
We house sat in Redondo for 4th of July. Now I have visitation rights to take my new BFF on some dog friendly trails in Los Angeles.
House Sitting: Beach Stylin’
Our House Sitting weekend in Hermosa Beach. Long Haul hike to Redondo Beach for Coffee, and then watching Volleyball & Beach Tennis on the way back. Great photo opportunities along this 10 mile round trip.
True Blue Madonna for a day
I loved the Madonna look in True Blue’s Papa Don’t Preach. So when I left a relationship I cut my hair into a True Blue Cut of my own. It took nearly a decade for this decision to pay off.

Josh Reviews Hollywood: 10 Best Movies of 2013
Josh the Movie Squabbler finishes off his trio of guest posts about last year’s Hollywood movies, by giving us a recap of the top 10 movies of last year… just in time for this year’s Oscar celebrations.

Josh Reviews Hollywood: Worst Movies of 2013
It’s Awards season again in Hollywood & in the run-up to the Oscars, Josh the Movie Squabbler returns with a guest post about the Worst Movies of 2013.

Long Beach & Izmir Sister City Event
Read about the Community Event held in Long Beach to celebrate the Sister City Alliance between Long Beach & Izmir in Turkey. Eclectic mix of people & a macaw as well as delicious food & good music.

Josh Reviews Hollywood: Obscure Gems for 2013
Josh the Movie Squabbler is our movie buff reviewer for this year’s Hollywood Obscure Gems. A duo of gems have caught Josh’s attention, hear what he has to say about “The East” and “Trance”

Mar Vista Farmers Market: January 19th
A trip to the Farmers Market in Mar Vista to see what fresh produce is in season – I found lots of citrus, and an odd looking cauliflower.

Near Year House Sit at Hermosa Beach
Sunset Photos from our New Year House Sit at California’s Hermosa Beach. The Pier and Life Guard Huts make great props for sunset photography.

Santa Monica and Bodrum becoming sisters
Santa Monica Sister Cities Association has reached out to Bodrum to request a Sister City alignment. Find out more about this partnership, and how I have been blazing the trail of Citizenship Diplomacy for years.
Sunny Blue Rice Balls
Sunny Blue Rice Balls You usually have to travel to a foreign country to encounter a new dish that captures…

Consignment & Resale in Los Angeles
Resale and Consignment shops are popping up all over, and there’s a good selection in the West Side of Los Angeles, California. Check them out in Mar Vista.

Life’s a Beach for our House Sitting gig
House Sitting at Hermosa Beach was like trying on somebody else’s life for a week. It fit like a glove, and left we wanting more days at the Beach.
WordCamp LA 2013
For those of you who haven’t heard of these events before, they’re like the WordPress equivalent of Alcoholics Anonymous. In short, it’s a WordPress meet up for WordPress addicts, to talk about WordPress, breath about WordPress and drool over WordPress … oh, and to share information and insights about this open source platform with other addicts.
Maternity, Paternity, Techernity
We need a new employment law which gives people Techernity Leave when they buy a new piece of Technology. My computer is my new bundle of joy, so it should have the same rights as any other new arrival.

I should have listened to Jamie Oliver
What should you do when you go to all the effort of making your own Chutney … but it’s just way too spicy to eat?
Mobile Flower Truck
If you’re on the Westside of LA, look out for the Mobile Flower Truck. This converted ice cream van sells flowers to passers by, and can be hired out for private events. Just one of the many Mobile Retailers operating in SoCal

Beating drums on Santa Monica Beach
Walking along Santa Monica Beach, I didn’t expect to see a young boy playing a drum kit, being videotaped by his dad. This post includes my entry for Photo Roulette #50

Stuffed Zucchini/Courgette Blossoms
These bright yellow blossoms may be challenging to prepare but this simple recipe will inspire you to make & serve these at your table

An Anecdote: My husband has found another
Now – each morning, as the last vestiges of sleep slip from Red’s body he calls to her. He turns his face to mine, and whispers those 3 special little words to me …..
Los Angeles to Cambria Road Trip
A road trip from Los Angeles to Cambria, led me to a conversation with a stranger. We had a 1 degree of separation link with Samson & Delilah

My entry for Photo Roulette Round #31
My entry for Round 31 of Photo Roulette. This week the theme is Music.