Caricature Portrait inspired by Earthsworld photo

Caricature based on EarthsWorld photo

Earthsworld Photos and Sketch Challenge

If you’re into sketching portraits, @earthsworld instagram feed has a plethora of inspiration. Their photos are full of character, and make ideal portrait photos for caricature experimentation.

Taking it a step further, Christophe Swijsen is the admin for a Facebook group called Drawing Earthsworld Challenge. Each day he posts a new Earthsworld photo and sketch, and encourages members to post their own versions.

December 27th Challenge

I bound my own watercolour sketch book earlier this year, and have been using it to participate in the daily Earthsworld challenge. Many of the portrait attempts have been too ugly to post, but after a week of failed attempts I was happy with how this latest one turned out.

Here’s the source Earthsworld photo:

EarthsWorld source photo for caricature
EarthsWorld source photo for caricature

Here’s the morphed Earthsworld photo:

I used the free version of an app called Body Editor Lite to mess around with the layout of the face, and to create a more dramatic image.

EarthsWorld source photo Morphed for caricature
EarthsWorld source photo for caricature

Even though eyes are the area of focus in 99% of portrait sketches, in this photo I was enamoured with the mouth and ears, so warped them even more to use as inspiration for my final sketch.

Pen and Watercolour Caricature:

Caricature based on EarthsWorld photo
Caricature based on EarthsWorld photo

Although a lot of caricature artists I’ve encountered on YouTube use a pencil sketch to base their final sketch on, I prefer to go straight in with pen. Yes there are some lines that could be considered mistakes, but I like this rough and ready approach, and think these happy accidents add to the portrait’s personality.

As with my previous caricature attempts, I still don’t feel there were enough areas of white, but I did manage to not be as heavy handed with the application of watercolour.

Now that I’ve done a few of these loose style portraits I’m realising that I’m favouring a specific limited set of paint colours for the skin tone:

  • Quin Rose
  • Burnt Umber
  • Raw Sienna
  • French Ultramarine

This use of two of the popular earth tones is new to me, and it has been fun to experiment with the different shades these combinations create. I feel a face-tone swatch project coming on!

Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

1 thought on “Caricature Portrait inspired by Earthsworld photo

  1. This is strangely endearing. Ugly but beautiful at the same time. I like how you adjusted the photo to give you inspiration

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