Cambodia Visa and Arrival at Siem Reap Airport

Siem Reap first Remork Cambodia Tuk Tuk

Cambodia Visa

As we didn’t have our Cambodia Visa, we headed straight to Visa counter like the majority of our fellow travelers.

I’d been toying with the idea of getting a renewable business visa which is $5 more expensive than the tourist visa and allows you to extend for 3, 6, 9, or 12 months and is a multiple-entry visa. But after our little third-degree scenario at Bangkok airport, I was wary of applying for a visa that I wasn’t sure what restrictions or requirements were attached. My pre-trip research hadn’t unearthed definitive guidelines about visa requirements, so to be on the safe side we opted for the 30-day tourist visa for $30 each.

Two smartly dressed visa officers greeted us with a smile, and we handed over our photos, passport, visa application form that we’d filled in during our layover in Bangkok and the Tourist Visa Fee. They gave us a receipt and pointed to another visa officer at the far end of the L-shaped counter. To reach him we had to walk the gauntlet of eight other visa officers who didn’t seem to be doing anything, but we soon discovered they were each a small link in the visa processing chain.

As we waited for our passport and visa to be returned we watched as the eight officers each handled the passports in turn. One officer stuck in the visa, and the next officers checked it, as did the next officer, and finally, the passports made their way down to a pile at the end of the line.

One by one this pile was rummaged, surnames were verbally fumbled, and a scrum of passengers crowded around the last link in the visa chain to claim their passports. Then it was off to wait patiently in the immigration line which flowed as slow as molasses.

After submitting our fingerprints digitally, we headed outside to see if our pre-arranged remork (a Cambodian tuk-tuk) driver was still waiting for us, given that we were three hours later than anticipated.

He was, and after a few grumbled words about how long he’d had to wait, he rushed off to get his tuk-tuk for the 10km ride to our hotel.

Remork Cambodia Tuk Tuk

Going to a new place is scary but exciting. Especially when it’s an entirely different country and culture you haven’t encountered or experienced before. During our 25 minute ride, we bumped and bounded on the back seat of the tuk-tuk and let the humid air wash away our travel cobwebs.

Although I’d bought a couple of travel guides about Cambodia, read countless blog posts, and scrolled through Google images for hours on end. Nothing prepared me for the thrill of arriving here in Siem Reap. My fatigue slipped away, and I fidgeted anxiously, waiting for a chance to explore our new surroundings.

Remork Cambodia Tuk Tuk

Additional Resources:

Travel Guides I bought:

Cambodia Visa Options:

  • If you’re toying with the idea of extending your Cambodia visa then you should consider getting one of the “ordinary” (E class) visas, so that you can extend for more than a month. If you get the Tourist visa you can only extend for one additional month and then you have to leave the country to do a border run to get a new Visa.

Tips for getting your #Cambodia Visa when you arrive in #SiemReap. Share on X

Flashpacking through Cambodia ebook cover for Baby Boomers on a Budget
Flashpacking through Cambodia

Flashpacking through Cambodia: For Baby Boomers on a Budget is my latest Roving Jay travel guide full of travel tips, advice, and sample itineraries for flash packers who want the back packing experience without foregoing some of life’s creature comforts – like a comfortable bed, a hot shower, free wi-fi, and somewhere to plug your electric toothbrush in.

I spent almost three months backpacking around Cambodia in 2017/2018 to research this travel guide, and I share insights and first hand knowledge of tourist traps and off-the-beaten-path discoveries. We ate street food, drank 50c beers, and travelled by train, bus, minivan and tuktuk to identify the best ways to get from A to B.

If you’d like to receive a free Review Copy ahead of the general public release, please click here.

Here’s my Cambodia posts on this blog:



Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

4 thoughts on “Cambodia Visa and Arrival at Siem Reap Airport

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