House Sitting with Hecktic Travels
So far, Dalene and Pete from Hecktic Travels Website have lived rent-free for almost 500 days. At $60 a day, that means we’ve saved $30,000. Which is a conservative estimate, considering some of the places that they’ve lived in have included New York City and London.
As well as getting a a unique travel experience like no other – they become ‘locals’ in a new part of the world and meet people they never would have otherwise.
It’s their favorite way to see the world, and for many more reasons than the large amount of money we save. Without it, so many of these experiences would not have been possible:
Hecktic Travels “How to become a House-Sitter”
This house sitting couple have taken all of their tips for house-sitting success and put them in one place. Their 50 page book contains the following:
- A thorough analysis of the big house-sitting websites to help you decide which to join
- Tips on how to write a profile and application letter, with successful examples
- Tips on how to be a good house-sitter
- Quotes from experienced house-sitters and home-owners from around the world
- Plenty of resources to help you plan for your house-sitting gig
- And much, much more!
They’re selling this ebook for $19.99!
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