A cheap and easy way to get from Barcelona Airport to the City Centre

Route for the Aerobus from Barcelona Airport to City

Barcelona Ground Transportation

I’ve been looking at activities to do during our 5 day trip in Barcelona, and have booked lots of advance tickets to different sights so that we don’t have to waste time in ticket queues, but I hadn’t got around to sorting out my ground transportation from the airport. But this morning I got a prompt from my accommodation booking site about the Aerobus ground transportation service. Rather than booking through them, I went direct with the official website to book my travel voucher. (just an fyi: the price for going through the accommodation service or direct with Aerobus, was exactly the same).

About Aerobus

AEROBÚS is the official shuttle bus service connecting Barcelona Airport (Terminal 1 and Terminal 2) with the city centre (Pl. Catalunya).

Route for the Aerobus from Barcelona Airport to City

  • Journey time is 35 minutes, and you can get off at some major points in the city, including Pl. Espanya, Gran Via-Urgell, Pl. and Universidad.
  • Aerobus is in service on a daily basis and departs every 5 minutes.
  • One Way ticket currently costs €5,90

Buses have free wi-fi and USB chargers. This is really useful, especially if you need to get connected so that you can call your accommodation. We’re staying in a Guest House with no front desk, and they’ve asked that we call them 30 minutes before we arrive so that they can arrange to welcome us. So I don’t need to worry if my phone has run out of charge on the flight, or I can’t get a cell connection.

Aerobus from Barcelona Airport to City

You can pay for your ticket online before you arrive, and you’ll receive a voucher by email (this isn’t your actual ticket). You will need to hand your voucher to a Aerobus staff member, and they’ll give you a paper ticket to hand to the bus driver.

Official Aerobus website: http://www.aerobusbcn.com/en

Aerobus has posted a couple of YouTube videos that show the route and the different stops, so that you can recognize where you need to get off. This is useful if you’re getting off the bus before the last stop.

Barcelona Airport to City Centre

Cheap and Easy ground transportation from #BarcelonaAirport to city centre. It's only 5.90 Euro for a one way ticket. Bus leaves every 5 minutes. Share on X

Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

9 thoughts on “A cheap and easy way to get from Barcelona Airport to the City Centre

  1. So true! Thanks for sharing these useful tips. I’m a big fan of slow travel. All this rush rush rush in our day to day lives, it’s good to take it more slowly when we travel.

  2. I will be saving this post for later! Oftentimes I’ve found it really stressful to try to figure out how to get from the airport to the city center in Europe without taking a taxi. We are hoping to go to Barcelona in the next few years so this is helpful!

    1. I was always worried about the hassle of taking buses from the airport – but I find it’s the most relaxing. We took the bus again when we arrived in Paris this year, and now I’m a bus convert.

  3. This is really helpful! I always find it a bit stressful to get to/from large European airports without having to take a taxi. If we ever get to Barcelona, I will remember this post!

    1. I think of taxis as a last resort, because they’re usually so expensive. I know it’s more convenient, but as I do more and more slow travel I go the bus or metro route these days. Most cities offer one or both options, either from government supported transit options or a privately run company.

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